The self-development practice of Aikido can be described with the three phases. These phases were called the Progress Cycles. The period of each cycle is individually defined based on the efforts invested enough for the qualitative leap to the next phase of Aikido practice. The progress is not dependent on the capabilities, previous experience or any other physical characteristics. Our willingness for self-development is everything that matters. You need to be ready to change with Aikido practice to expand your sensitivity to the reality. The quality of your efforts will change from one cycle to the other.
Perception is the nature of Human Being, not reasoning. We need Love and Joy. We are not fulfilled by defining the order of things, when even our capability to accomplish such a goal is under question. In the physical practice, we maximally use our natural perception which will later become the platform for the development of our inner perception.
Phase 1. Becoming (Body Structuring, Basics)
You study the basics first. This phase is characterized by the efforts in structuring your body for the Aikido practice. You examine the mechanics and acquire understanding of the movements. You prepare your body and obtain basic skills for performing Aikido actions. You are also introduced to the Aikido mindset, the values and proper attitudes to the Aikido practice. “Becoming” is the preparation for the “Technical Base” phase of your Aikido practice.
Phase 2. Technical Base (Techniques of Merging)
At this phase, we increase our technical perception. We start feeling what is right when merging with and leading our training partner. We start feeling the principles of Aikido beyond the technical requirements of the Aikido techniques. We come to understanding of the processes identified by the forms of actions that we practice – what is actually an Aikido technique. The perception of Aikido practice and the quality (focus) of our efforts change. An external observer can say that we study the details and even delicacy of Aikido techniques, but we actually study another kind of Human reactions to external influences, which are exhibited in the shell of physical actions.
Phase 3. Takemusu Aiki (Actions of Aiki)
We have prepared ourselves enough for the Aiki (Power of Love) to lead our actions. We have obtained enough power to resist our egocentric forces to allow Aiki dominate in our actions. We have purified ourselves. With the modified perception, feeling the true state of things, we become free of fear and struggle. The wisdom is to understand that the purpose of Aikido is to change the human being (develop/purify their self), not to give natural unprepared men a dangerous tool into their hands when they can hurt themselves and the others. Everything is fair – you cannot take it unless you are prepared and ready.
An external observer can call this phase “freestyle”, when an Aikido practitioner spontaneously performs Aikido techniques with one or several partners. But we already understand that actions are only an effect when the cause is hidden from our natural unprepared observation. You can better understand this state, when you have made at least the first step and have progressed to the ‘Technical Base’ of your Aikido practice.
With our SAA portal you will be introduced to the fundamental steps of your preparation for Aikido practice and guidelines of your Aiki Lab focused environment creation sufficient for the best progress possible in your self-development practice with Aikido.