Tenkan | The Body Turn
With this lesson you will be able to learn and examine the Tenkan movement, which stands as the core for virtually half of Aikido techniques. You will get acquainted with the Tenkai, which is the first stage of the Tenkan Full Spin and serves the functions of merging and obtaining the strategic position regarding Uke. You will also be able to examine the essential elements of the Tenkan rotation performance aimed to manage control and leadership in Aikido techniques.
In this lesson you will be presented with the sufficient number of reference points to obtain the entire picture of the Tenkan concept and its technical implementation in Aikido practice. The lesson provides the developing exercises aimed to help you consider the Body Turn from different angles and also to improve your body structuring and movement skills for better Tenkan performance. The instructions and exercises are suitable for any person, regardless of previous experience in martial arts, to obtain the right understanding of Tenkan performance according to SAA School of Aikido.
Although the lesson has its independent value, the lesson instructions include references to the previous lessons for body structuring and movement skills, which have to be considered for better Tenkan comprehension and performance.